Watchlog Agent Installation

Set up the Watchlog Agent to start monitoring your server metrics effortlessly.

Option 1: Install the Ubuntu Agent

For Ubuntu servers, install the Watchlog Agent with a single command.

  sudo apiKey="your-api-key" server='your-server' bash -c "$(curl -L"

Replace your-api-key and your-server with the values provided in your dashboard.

Start the Agent

Once installed, start the agent using the following command:

  sudo systemctl start watchlog-agent.service

Option 2: Install from Source Code

For other Linux distributions, such as CentOS, install the Watchlog Agent from source code.


  • Node.js (version 12 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • pm2 (Process Manager for Node.js)
  • Git

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Repository: Run the following command:
      git clone
  2. Navigate to the Directory:
      cd watchlog-agent
  3. Install Dependencies:
      npm install
  4. Configure the Agent: Update the .env file with your credentials:
    Replace your-api-key and your-server with values from your dashboard.

Start the Agent

Start the Watchlog Agent using PM2 to keep it running in the background:

  pm2 start watchlog-agent.js

The Watchlog Agent will now periodically send metrics to the Watchlog dashboard.

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